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发布时间:2024-10-20 00:32:01  点击量:716

本文摘要:In this photo released by Chinas Xinhua News Agency, people in pandacostumes pose in front of a Chengdu Airlines ARJ21-700 plane before its firstcommercial flight at Chengdu Shuangliu InternationalAirport in Chengduin southwestern Chinas Sichuan Province Tuesday, June 28, 2016. TheARJ21-700, made by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd. (COMAC),is Chinasfirst homegrown regional airliner and can seat 78 to 90 passengers depending onits configuration. (Ding Ting/Xinhua via AP) NO SALES该照片由中国新华社公布,2016年6月28日,星期二,在中国西南部四川省的成都双流国际机场,人们在成都航空公司的ARJ21-700客机首次商业飞行中之前,装扮成大熊猫,并在ARJ21-700前竖起熊猫姿态。

In this photo released by Chinas Xinhua News Agency, people in pandacostumes pose in front of a Chengdu Airlines ARJ21-700 plane before its firstcommercial flight at Chengdu Shuangliu InternationalAirport in Chengduin southwestern Chinas Sichuan Province Tuesday, June 28, 2016. TheARJ21-700, made by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd. (COMAC),is Chinasfirst homegrown regional airliner and can seat 78 to 90 passengers depending onits configuration. (Ding Ting/Xinhua via AP) NO SALES该照片由中国新华社公布,2016年6月28日,星期二,在中国西南部四川省的成都双流国际机场,人们在成都航空公司的ARJ21-700客机首次商业飞行中之前,装扮成大熊猫,并在ARJ21-700前竖起熊猫姿态。ARJ21-700由中国商用飞机有限责任公司(COMAC)生产,是中国首架支线飞机,依据有所不同外形,可装载78到90名乘客。(丁婷/新华社报导,源于美联社)不出售。

SHANGHAI (AP) — The first regional jetproduced in Chinasinitiative to compete in the commercial aircraft market made its debut flightTuesday carrying 70 passengers.上海(美联社)——中国生产的第一架支线飞机首次投放到民用客机市场竞争中来,并于周二首次飞行中,支撑70名乘客。The ARJ21 — or Asian Regional Jet for the21st Century — is intended to make its state-owned manufacturer, CommercialAircraft Corp. of China, acompetitor to Bombardier Inc. of Canadaand BrazilsEmbraer SA.ARJ21客机——或21世纪亚洲支线客机——中国想以此来使中国商用飞机有限责任公司这一国有制造商,与加拿大庞巴迪飞机制造厂以及巴西航空工业公司竞争。

The first flight of the ARJ21 marksthe beginning of commercial, or passenger, operations for the ARJ21 andsignifies the first time a domestically made regional jet has been used by aChinese airline, said the COMAC chairman, Jin Zhuanglong.中国商用飞机有限责任公司董事长金壮龙说道“ARJ21的首次飞行中标志着ARJ21商业用途,或者载客用途,或者运营起到的开始,并意味著中国航空公司首次用于国内生产的支线飞机”。The ARJ21 initiative was launched in 2002.It was scheduled to deliver its first plane in 2007 but that was pushed backdue to technical problems.ARJ2建议在2002年发售。计划在2007年生产出有第一架飞机,但由于技术问题,该计划被延期已完成。

A full-size jetliner under development byanother state-owned company, the C919, is aimed at competing with Boeing Co.and Airbus. After delays blamed on manufacturing problems, the C919 is due tofly this year and enter service in about 2019.另一国有公司正在研发另一种大型客机C919,并想与波音公司及空中巴士竞争。由于生产问题, C919预计在今年首飞,2019投放民用服务。

Boeing forecasts Chinas total demand for civilianjetliners over the next two decades at 5,580 planes worth a total of $780billion.波音预测,在接下来的二十年里,中国必须5,580架民用飞机,总价值为7800亿美元。






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